Sunday 31 May 2015

U.S. policy on Iran is to fail to stop Tehran’s nuclear weapons program May 30, 2015

U.S. policy on Iran is to fail to stop Tehran’s nuclear weapons program and its support for terrorism in the region. It is incredibly bad judgment to continue to extend the talks going on with Iran as they continue to do exactly the things the world would not want them to be doing.
America and the West face a grave choice.  We can continue to acquiesce and accommodate Tehran, loosening sanctions, and legitimizing its leadership with diplomatic victories. Or we can confront the reality of a hegemonic, nuclear-threshold state driven by fundamentalist zeal.

Friday 29 May 2015

Maryam Rajavi , the voice of the Iranian people for freedom

The time has come for all to hear the voice of the Iranian people, Stifle the voice of People Iranians of the government of Iran, Khamenei is fettered. I am proud that the chance of supporting the PMOI , led by Mr. Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, the president -elect of the resistance.I want the voice of the voiceless in Paris Vylpnt great gatherings and i cry for the oppression regime of the mullahs and clerics ruling Iran , The sooner they are out of dear Iran.
Freedom and democracy in Iran with Maryam Rajavi is achieved.
All your friends and followers want to see this resistance in its historical and epic day.